Art Hound, a guide to living with art Art Hound

on the hunt for good art

Artist of the day: Cody Hoyt

Saturday, September 5, 2009 · 2 Comments

Cody Hoyt is an artist/printmaker and co-founder of the art publication, Apenest.  Hoyt, who attended Mass Art, and his co-founder, Brian Willmont, state that their mission with Apenest “…is to create a high quality and accessible creative publication solely focused on showcasing good art by emerging artists.”  Sounds pretty awesome… we hope it is a success!

Check out some of Cody’s bold and progressive work below:

Tags: Art

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Radit // Dec 27, 2014 at 9:42 am

    Sarah: Like other posters, I staertd reading your blogging over at Instapundit. Great stuff there and so much more here! It’s very valuable to get insights from a working, published author on the emerging self-publishing landscape. Hard to tell sometimes if it’s really crumbling barriers to entry or just generally crumbling the walls around everyone. Anyway, since this is the only open forum I can find on the blog, allow me to throw out a completely random question late this quiet evening. I’ve read and enjoyed the Horatio Hornblower novels over the years (haven’t tackeld the Master and Commander series yet). They’ve really fed by general interest in military sci-fi. I’ve wondered if there is a similar sea-faring adventure novel or character set in the Portuguese or Spanish navies. English literature is obviously focused on the British Navy, but Portugal and Spain had world-spanning enterprises of their own. Since you grew up in Portugal, maybe you know of any books or authors I might look into (translated, that is)?

  • 2 Subhas // Apr 8, 2015 at 8:24 pm

    Dear Sarah,Introduced to you by reading Insta and went to this site and saw two Paul Simon qotues immediately! Now I am hooked. minor quibble with American Tune, though Oh, we come on the ship they call the MayflowerWe come on the ship that sailed the moon

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