Art Hound, a guide to living with art Art Hound

on the hunt for good art

Artist Crush: Tessar Lo @ Show & Tell

April 15th, 2011 · 2 Comments

Work from Tessar Lo’s show Maps at Show & Tell Gallery in Toronto. Lo was born in Indonesia and raised in Toronto. His mixed media pieces call to mind mythical childhood heros (a la The Little Prince), street art and the primitive style of Gaugin. I also thought this description was pretty awesome…

By stripping his work of artifice and surrendering to instinct, he aspires to turn seemingly mundane subjects – a corner of the back yard, a walk in the park, a childhood toy – into powerful sources of inspiration and potential. Around these familiar landmarks, he constructs unfolding mythologies that stir the reservoirs of childlike wonder that lie buried within us all.               – Amanda Erlanson via Show & Tell




Images from Show & Tell Gallery.