Art Hound, a guide to living with art Art Hound

on the hunt for good art

Anna Norrgrann

January 24th, 2015 · 1 Comment

Handmade jewelry / sculpture by Anna Norrgrann.

“Between me and the metal there is nothing and what is outside us does not bother me in the moment. I fill the metal surface with small dots and it slowly changes, but in what way is, for me, so far unknown. I only know what I do and I continue to do that until the surface is almost filled. A bit of it is left untouched, as proof of what it once was.

Time dissolves and I am caught in the rhythmic sound from the hammer blows. The work shows me the way and despite the monotonic processing of the metal, I seldom get bored. My curiosity about the result drives me onwards.” via HDK




















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artist crush: Iris Tsante

December 21st, 2011 · 1 Comment

Iris Tsante via Share Some Candy.




Iris (center) and MIN Association cofounders Maaike Ebbinge and Noémie Doge. The three jewelry makers studied together at Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam.

Design Crush: GOLDhearted

June 2nd, 2011 · 6 Comments

There is a ridiculous amount of jewelry on Etsy and some of it is truly great… if you can find it. Take the newly opened GOLDhearted by Michelle Meronek of Orange County, CA, the recipient of my latest jewelry crush. On her Etsy profile Michelle says she is inspired by art history and nature so I think it was meant to be. And her blog Gold-hearted Girl is pretty awesome too.






Spartan Wish List

August 8th, 2010 · 3 Comments

I’m a little obsessed with the Austin-based shop Spartan. They just have the coolest collection of goods and accessories! I never would have thought I’d include a pocket knife on a wish-list but like everything else in the shop it’s just so beautiful and appealing.

Simplistic Beauty: Prints and Jewelry by Molly McGrath

December 23rd, 2009 · No Comments

What’s not to love about these simple but strikingly beautiful designs by molly m designs? I love the timelessness of the black-white-tan color scheme. I can just as easily imagine McGrath’s prints in a mid-century home as in a modern home of today.

The story behind the work is also an interesting one- McGrath did not start out as a designer but trained as an architect and was inspired to use an architectural tool, the laser cutter, to create jewelry. Molly’s designs are heavily influenced by architectural elements such as geometry, form, light and pattern.

Her prints (left and below left) were later to come and are made of multiple layers of cut-out paper and bamboo veneer. I’m currently daydreaming about framing two or three and hanging them in a series…

Prints start at $16 for a 4 x 6″ print and go up to $64 for 16 x 20″. The jewelry shown runs from $36 to $46. Thanks to for me, for you for sharing Molly’s work.